How to Help

Looking for a way to make a real difference in the life of a child and the future of our community?
Passion 4 Learning is a great way to help!

Become a Volunteer!

Play a powerful role in inspiring students who have a passion to learn:

If you are a digital media, computer technology professional or college student, volunteer to be a mentor at one of our Dig.Lit after school sites in Silver Spring, Wheaton or Aspen Hill.  To find out how to volunteer,
contact us!

Become a Partner!

Your organization might be a key piece of the puzzle:

Passion for Learning is always looking for talented and passionate partners to enhance our programs and inspire student achievement. If your organization has a role to play we would love to find out about it. Please contact us!

Become a Board Member! 

You can play a key leadership role in building & strengthening P4L:

If you are a business leader, community member, or educator who is passionate about the potential of every child and eager to share your expertise, connections, & financial resources, please contact Jacqueline Hilton, Board President at (240)447-2582.

Your donation will be followed with a letter from Passion for Learning, Inc. acknowledging your tax-deductible gift.
We will also add your name to our website listing of “Friends of Passion for Learning, Inc.” and send you priority invitations
to special events and programs.


The work of Passion for Learning would not be possible without the generous support of the following individuals.

  • Individual Donors

    Alyssa Berrios

    Anabella Berti

    Andrew and Karen Auerbach

    Andrew Fraser *

    Ann Collins

    Ann and Don Hague

    Barret and Shanna Madison

    Barbara Kaufman

    Belhu Metaferia

    Beatriz Mendoza

    Bill Scanlan and Fran Meyer

    Bob Wittig

    Brad Stonberg and Jackie Tuerk

    Brandi Sestak

    Bruce Adams

    Busy Graham and Stewart Hickman

    Carole O'Toole and Jeff Zitelman

    Charbel Tagher

    Charles A. Beard III

    Charles L. Short

    Cynthia and Charles Murray

    Cynthia Rubenstein

    Dale Polson

    Danco Electronic Services(Dan Meijer)

    ​Daniel and Claire Maklan

    Daniel Stephens and Andrea Littel

    David DuGoff and Victoria Bor

    David Heller *

    Deborah Stoll and Ken Allen

    Denise Stultz

    Dolores McDonagh and Jamie Karn

    Dr.Judith Docca

    Eileen Steinkraus

    Eileen Storz Salino

    Eileen Sullivan

    Ellen and Richard Rubin

    Esmeralda Gutierrez *

    Esther Newman

    Eric Polson

    Faye O'Brien Fran Meyer

    Francie and Timothy Hester

    Gabriela Cruz

    Geoff Edgar

    Heather and David Anderson

    Henry and Bonnie Heller

    Huy Tran

    Isabella Louis

    Isiah and Catherine Leggett

    Jackie Hilton *

    James Hinshelwood

    Janet Walkup

    Jay Brozost and Gail Kelleher

    Jean Zakotnik *

    Jeffery Gibbs

    Jeffrey Colman

    Jennifer M. Hosey *

    Jesse Greenspan

    Jessie Diffley

    JoAnn Ryan

    Jodi Finkelstein

    John and Pat Robinson

    John Vogt

    Jon Gerson

    Joseph Ruby

    Judy Docca

    Judy Lapping

    June Taylor and Rob Wolcott

    Katharine McKee

    Kathleen Dennis

    Kathy Stevens

    Karen Giacopuzzi

    Karen and Douglas Hillmer

    Laura Forman

    Lauren Carranza *

    Lawrence Platt and Clare Herrington

    Leif and Julia Ulstrup

    Linda Houston

    Lisa Bontempo and William Pierce

    Liz McLeod

    Lowell and Virginia Denning

    Lynn Boyd

    The Madden Charitable Fund

    Margaret Bailey

    Maria Fernanda Borja *

    Marilyn Talabay Piety

    Maritza Gonzalez

    Marvely Molina Torres

    Mary Anne Hess and Dan Freedman

    Mary Murphy

    Mathilda Cox

    Merrill Mason

    Michael Bodaken and Fran Bernstein

    Miriam Szapiro

    Nancy Golding and Robert Hartheimer

    Nancy Leopold

    Nathaniel Chester

    Nicholas Orechwa

    Pamela Sobel

    Patricia Cornish

    Paula Krahn Merkle

    Peggy Okane

    Peter and Elena Tuerk

    Peter Chang

    Randy Boyd and Mary BoydRay Gilmer*

    REI Systems

    Reyna Bonilla Rios

    Richard Grigg

    Richard Levine and Wendy Krasner

    Robin Allen

    Sam Statland

    Samuel Halpern

    Sandy Gregerman

    Sara GregermanScott and Carol Smallwood

    Sharon Nissim

    Shirley Brandman

    Skip Sroka

    Stephen Wolk and Fran Rothstein

    Stacey Gurian-Sherman

    Sunil Dasgupta

    Susan and Gregory Madden

    Susan Winarsky

    Thomas Gentile *

    Thomas Paci

    Tim Piety

    Todd Eisenstadt *

    Trish Rimo and Mike Diegel

    Troy Horsley

    Vikram Pant

    Vij Sumeet

    Yoshiko Zenfuku

    Walter Carlton

    William F. Tuerk

    *P4L Board of Directors


The work of Passion for Learning would not be possible without the generous funding and/or in-kind support of the following foundations, corporations and government agencies.

  • Foundation, Corporation & Government Agency Funders

    The Bethesda Chevy Chase Rotary Foundation

    Comcast Foundation

    Clark Winchcole Foundation

    Community Foundation of Montgomery County

    Empower Each Community PAC

    The Glenn L. Martin Foundation

    Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

    Madden Charitable Fund

    The Martinez-Shriber Fund

    Mead Family Foundation

    Meltzer Group Employee Giving Fund

    Montgomery College

    Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC)

    Montgomery County Government

    Montgomery County Public Schools

    Montgomery County Youth Media Services

    (Office of Cable and Broadband Svcs)

    Montgomery County Collaboration Council

    The Moscow Philanthropic Fund

    The Neilom Foundation

    RosTech, Inc.

    Sandglass Systems

    Sam, Nadia, Sydney and Rachel Leah Fund

    Temple Sinai (The Lipman Fund)

    The Universities at Shady Grove


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